The Health Risks Of Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos exposure can be extremely harmful and in some cases, fatal. Therefore, you must take the necessary precautions to avoid inhaling any asbestos-containing materials while investing in asbestos surveys, asbestos testing and asbestos risk assessments.
Most Common Health Risks Linked To Asbestos Exposure
Asbestosis derives from asbestos exposure and inhalation which has no cure. It is a progressive, lung-related disease that leads to scarring and thickening of the lungs, resulting in a range of breathing difficulties. This also reduces lung capacity and places extra strain on the lungs and heart.
Cancer is the most common health consequence that comes from being exposed to asbestos. Asbestos is a carcinogen which means it has a high chance of causing cancer, especially in body areas such as the testes, ovarian, lungs and laryngeal. Cancers that occur in the lungs and laryngeal are often related to long-term asbestos exposure.
Non-Cancerous Pleural Diseases
It is extremely easy to inhale asbestos fibres which leads to diseases being formed in the respiratory system. Lung diseases are very common, however, some belong to a subdivision including pleural abnormalities which are not cancerous.
The liquid-filled space in the lung is known as the pleural area. Pleural issues are incredibly prevalent in those who have been exposed to asbestos as well as those with asbestos poisoning.
Pleural abnormalities relate to a range of lung diseases, all of which can severely damage the quality of life by making breathing difficult.
Laryngitis is another respiratory disease that is the result of high asbestos exposure. When hazardous materials are inhaled it is likely they will damage your throat while making their way through your body.
Laryngeal abnormalities such as laryngitis are frequently seen in those who have been exposed to asbestos.
Laryngitis may not be as well known as cancer or non-cancerous pleural abnormalities, but it can be just as damaging to your health.
If you want to make sure that no one on your property is exposed to asbestos, we offer a range of asbestos service packages for you to choose from. Give us a call on 0800-272-378 or send an email to
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