The Benefits Of An Asbestos Survey
An asbestos survey is crucial to protect occupants in commercial and public buildings from being exposed to asbestos-containing materials. Asbestos is highly toxic and can cause serious health issues as well as mortality in severe cases. Before residents move into a building or construction workers start any projects, a property […]
What Does An Asbestos Survey Involve?
Asbestos surveys are incredibly important as part of an asbestos management plan to assess risks and prevent harm to those who live or work in a building. Types Of Asbestos Survey There are three different types of asbestos surveys: management surveys, pre-demolition surveys and pre-refurbishment surveys. Management Surveys This survey […]
What Is An Asbestos Report?
An asbestos report is incredibly important in premises where asbestos has been discovered. It doesn’t matter if the property is commercial or residential the more aware you are of asbestos the safer everyone will be. This is especially the case for workers in construction, electrics or plumbing who have a […]
What Is Asbestos Testing
Asbestos testing is the process of analysing certain materials to see if they contain asbestos or not. Some examples of asbestos containing materials (ACM) include: Pipe lagging Insulation board Sprayed coatings Cement Textured coatings Testing usually consists of taking single or bulk samples of ACM’s and then analysing them for […]
Can you try to Remove Asbestos Yourself?
If your building was built before 2000 then it is likely that it contains asbestos containing materials. These materials were used in ceilings, plaster, walls and flooring because they offered fire resistant properties. Although the use of asbestos is now banned, as the dangers have been more thoroughly researched, there […]
Asbestos Regulations for Commercial Properties
If you own, or are thinking about buying, a commercial property, the Control Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR2012) act states that if the building is built before 2000, you are responsible for managing any asbestos that is in that property, unless your contract or lease states otherwise. This includes rental properties, […]
Bradford Hotel Fined £24,000 for Delayed Asbestos Removal
The owners of a Bradford, city centre hotel have been fined due to delays in removing asbestos. Asbestos was found in several areas of Bradford’s Midland Hotel in November 2017. The asbestos was present in areas used by staff, but not guests, including a basement corridor, a lift shaft and […]
The Three Types of Asbestos and Where They Might be Present
As many as 5000 deaths per year are the result of past asbestos exposure and although asbestos is now banned in the UK can still be found in certain environments. If any building work you plan to undertake has even the slightest chance of disturbing the asbestos, you must be […]