- November 16, 2021
- 0800admin
- Blog, Asbestos Survey
What Is Asbestos Testing
Asbestos testing is the process of analysing certain materials to see if they contain asbestos or not.
Some examples of asbestos containing materials (ACM) include:
- Pipe lagging
- Insulation board
- Sprayed coatings
- Cement
- Textured coatings
Testing usually consists of taking single or bulk samples of ACM’s and then analysing them for asbestos fibres.
The results from the experiment will indicate whether asbestos is there. Common forms of asbestos include:
- Chrysotile (white asbestos)
- Crocidolite (blue asbestos)
- Amosite (brown asbestos)
How To Sample Asbestos Testing
Prior to analysing potential ACM’s, asbestos sampling must be done. There is no asbestos license required for asbestos sampling but it is a crucial part of the process.
When an ACM is broken off, you can take a sample yourself as long as you are not exposed to any harmful dust or debris. Still, you must follow a safe procedure to reduce the risk.
Firstly, dampen the sample and put it in a self sealing polythene bag, then place this in another self sealing bag.
Due to the risk involved, it is worth hiring a professional to do asbestos sampling. Our trained asbestos surveyors can come straight to your home and take the single and bulk samples for you.
Once we have your samples, we will analyze them and get the results back to you within 24 hours, this includes a report for sampling and testing.
When Do You Need Asbestos Testing
If you don’t plan on doing any decorating or refurbishing there may be no reason to test for asbestos.
Asbestos testing is most important when renovating a property and you come into contact with ACM. Before you can begin working, asbestos testing must be done first.
Not to mention, the need for an asbestos survey to get more information about the premises with regards to the amount, type and condition of ACM present.
Furthermore, an asbestos survey will also consist of sampling and asbestos analysis. Therefore, a risk assessment and management plan can be prepared prior to starting work.
In a nutshell, asbestos inspections are an important prerequisite to avoid asbestos poisoning and maintain the safety of workers and residents.
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