What Is An Asbestos Survey And Why Might You Need One?
In the past, asbestos was a widely used building material thanks to its versatility and fire-resistant properties. However, nowadays it is recognised as a hazardous material that poses serious health risks.
Asbestos was usually used in construction materials, insulation and various building products until the late 20th century. Research then found that asbestos exposure was causing severe respiratory diseases and some types of cancer, so the material was quickly banned.
Since then, because there are so many dangers associated with asbestos, regulatory bodies and health organisations have introduced strict measures to manage the presence of asbestos in buildings. One of these measures is the asbestos survey.
Understanding What An Asbestos Survey Is
An asbestos survey is a thorough inspection of a building/property, to locate/identify the presence of asbestos.
As well as checking if asbestos is present, the asbestos survey will also detail the specific location, type and condition of any asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). An asbestos survey must be conducted by a trained professional. The surveys are vital for assessing the risk of asbestos exposure and developing appropriate management plans, so the survey must be completed correctly.
Types of Asbestos Surveys
There are a couple of types of asbestos surveys…
Management Survey: This is the most common type. A management survey will identify any asbestos-containing materials. This survey will involve a visual inspection as well as possible sampling and analysis.
Reinspection Survey: If you’ve already had a management survey, and you know your property contains asbestos, you might need a re-inspection survey now and then. This is to keep an eye on the condition of the asbestos.
Refurbishment/Demolition Survey: This is the most intrusive type of asbestos survey. It will be needed before demolition/refurb work. Asbestos is most dangerous when it is disturbed, so, before you do any work you need an asbestos survey to keep everyone safe throughout the building work.
Why Might You Need an Asbestos Survey?
If your building was constructed before the year 2000, you should undertake an asbestos survey before you complete any refurbishment works, as you have a duty of care to protect any tradespeople working on the building.
If you are in the process of buying a property, you might want to arrange an asbestos survey. Whilst this isn’t a legal requirement, it can be a good investment. It helps to know what you are getting yourself into!
If you are a private landlord, you might need to arrange reinspection surveys to monitor the condition of asbestos in your rental properties. As the landlord, you are legally required to have an asbestos management plan.
Need an Asbestos Survey?
Whichever asbestos survey you need, 0800 Asbestos can help. Just get in touch to arrange a visit from our specialist team.
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