Things You Should Know About An Asbestos Survey
An asbestos survey is an essential process for identifying asbestos-containing materials within a building.
These materials will usually be found in older constructions, pre-dating the ban in 2000 Asbestos was once used for its fire-resistant properties, but evidence now shows that it causes severe health risks including cancer.
If you own, manage or plan to renovate a building, you might need an asbestos survey.
What is an Asbestos Survey?
An asbestos survey is an assessment performed by trained and certified professionals. The survey detects and evaluates the presence of any asbestos in a building. Surveys will often be required before any construction, renovation or demolition work takes place in a building built before 2000.
What are the Types of Asbestos Survey?
- Management survey: This is the most common type, it is usually performed in buildings that are occupied. The main purpose is to assess the condition of any ACMs, to ensure they are not a hazard to the occupants. The asbestos management survey will then make a plan for managing the ACMS.
- Refurbishment/demolition survey: This survey is compulsory before any renovations or demolition works, in buildings predating 2000. It is more intensive than an asbestos management survey, as this survey needs to ensure any workers will not be put at risk.
- Reinspection survey: For buildings that are known to already have asbestos, a re inspection survey will be completed periodically to monitor any changes in the condition of the materials. This is to help prevent any exposure.
Why is an Asbestos Survey Important?
The main reason an asbestos survey is so important is safety. When asbestos materials are disturbed they will release microscopic particles into the air. These particles are extremely dangerous if inhaled.
Completing an asbestos survey mitigates some of this risk. It identifies the ACMs so they can be handled properly, protecting public safety.
In some cases, asbestos surveys also ensure property owners comply with local and federal regulations.
How do I Hire an Asbestos Surveyor?
An asbestos survey must be performed by trained and accredited professionals. You should look for surveyors who are accredited to BOHS P402, P403 & P404 standards. The company should have plenty of experience and it’s also a good idea to read reviews from past clients when choosing a company for an asbestos survey.
Contact our team if you would like to arrange an asbestos survey with 0800 Asbestos.
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