What To Do When You Think You Have An Asbestos Problem
Asbestos is a serious problem and while arranging for a refurbishment and demolition asbestos survey can sound daunting, the alternative is far worse. Today we’ll be going through the three most important steps you should take if you suspect you may have an asbestos problem and why acting quickly is vital to minimising risk.
1. Arrange For A Refurbishment and Demolition Asbestos Survey
If you have an asbestos problem then you should never hesitate to have it assessed. Until you contact a professional team to perform a refurbishment and demolition asbestos survey, there’s no way of knowing the extent of the problem or the risks it poses.
In this situation, the first thing you should do is leave the building as soon as you can and not allow anyone else inside. While the effects can take years (sometimes decades) to show up, breathing asbestos can cause deadly cancers and should therefore be avoided at all costs.
If you are not the owner of the building, then you will have to contact them before you can arrange for a survey. Nonetheless, make sure that nobody enters the affected area until the problem is solved.
2. Contact Anyone Who Might Have Been Exposed
If someone has been exposed to asbestos then they should be informed as soon as possible. Because cancers resulting from asbestos can take a very long time to show symptoms, they are often far too advanced for treatment to have a serious effect. Catching the problem faster could seriously prolong a person’s life.
3. Follow Any and All Recommendations
Last but not least you should follow any and all official guidelines as well as the advice and recommendations of asbestos removal experts. Breaking these guidelines could be hazardous both to your health and to the health of others.
At the end of the day, while asbestos is a very serious problem, it can be dealt with. So long as the asbestos in question has not been disturbed, you’re unlikely to breathe in the microfibers that can coat the lungs, ultimately causing asbestosis. Nonetheless, you should always take care and make sure you’re following appropriate precautions.
Do You Need A Refurbishment and Demolition Asbestos Survey?
If you or a company you work for has an asbestos problem then you can get in touch with us today by calling 03304 703 872 or emailing office@0800asbestos.com. Our friendly and helpful team will be on your case right away so that you can get the problem under control as soon as possible.
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