Why Are Asbestos Surveys Important?
Asbestos surveys are essential to detect asbestos-containing materials and prevent any harm to workers or residents. Asbestos fibres are a serious health risk and can cause deadly conditions such as cancer, laryngitis and asbestosis.
Historically, asbestos has been used in the construction of buildings. Hence, many older properties still contain asbestos, and it is crucial that asbestos experts efficiently remove this substance.
Asbestos contamination is more likely during a house renovation, remodelling or repairs. So, before any work can be conducted, the owner of a property must conduct an asbestos refurbishment and demolition survey to collect data and generate a risk assessment.
Why Invest In An Asbestos Survey?
Extensive Risk Assessment
Asbestos risk assessments are vital to prevent a range of health issues. Asbestos exposure can be fatal which is why the riskiness of a property must be thoroughly assessed.
If you do not administer an extensive risk assessment, the chances of someone coming into contact with asbestos-containing materials are much higher. This is especially the case in older buildings where the risk is even larger due to the deterioration of materials that can lead to asbestos being released into the air.
Regardless, risk assessments are performed as part of every asbestos survey to detect harmful materials and ensure no one is exposed to them.
The Best Strategy To Detect Asbestos
Asbestos surveys are the most effective way of detecting asbestos in any property. Each survey identifies the materials that contain asbestos in addition to other risks that may be present in the environment.
According to UK law, all property owners must manage asbestos which consists of a risk assessment for all asbestos-containing materials. Plus, it is the responsibility of landlords to ensure that residents are not exposed to asbestos.
Better Safety
Before house construction, asbestos surveys serve as the best precaution against asbestos exposure. If there is no asbestos detected during a survey, you can rest assured that the premises are safe to work on. Likewise, if there are asbestos-containing materials you can hire the necessary asbestos professionals to remove the substance.
If you need an asbestos survey or would like more information about asbestos, please call us at 0800-272-378 or send an email to office@0800asbestos.com.
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